A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), often a result of unnaturally sudden motion that causes the brain to move or twist inside the skull. The most common causes of concussions and other TBIs are vehicular accidents, sports injuries and assaults that involve hitting the head or body with enough force to create significant movement in the brain. An estimated 3.8 million people in the United States experience a concussion each year from sports and recreation activities alone.
An individual with a concussion may or may not lose consciousness. However, they will experience several associated symptoms, such as confusion, drowsiness, inability to stay awake, poor coordination and slurred speech. If you or your child has experienced a concussion, it’s normal to have questions about whether any long-term effects will persist. Here’s what you need to know about concussion symptom relief from a chiropractor.
What Is Post-Concussion Syndrome?
Post-concussion syndrome, or PCS, refers to the variety of long-term symptoms that can occur after a concussion. Individuals who experience more than one concussion or brain injury are at increased risk for developing post-concussion syndrome. While most concussion symptoms resolve within two weeks, PCS has many lasting effects that persist for more than three months, including:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Vision changes
- Disturbances in balance
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Significant apathy or personality changes
- Sensitivity to light and sound
PCS symptoms can be challenging to address because they are generally vague and vary greatly between individuals. There is no one-size-fits-all concussion treatment plan. Instead, individuals need a multidisciplinary approach to determine a definitive link to a concussion.
Chiropractic Care for Post-Concussion Syndrome
Chiropractors specialize in examining and treating various health conditions in the body, particularly the muscles, joints and bones. They can offer a tailored approach to post-concussion syndrome treatment, performing gentle adjustments to the spine and neck to promote proper blood flow and reduce inflammation.
For instance, a patient may experience PCS as a result of spinal misalignment from a traumatic car accident. A spinal misalignment, also known as a subluxation, can limit blood flow to the brain and cause pain, leading to overall discomfort, headaches and impaired cognitive function.
Using spinal manipulation, a chiropractor can identify areas that contribute to a patient’s PCS symptoms and treat them accordingly. Spinal manipulation (SM), similar to chiropractic adjustments, can provide many potential benefits, including:
- Increased blood flow
- Modulating pain perception
- Tissue pliability
- Increased pain threshold
- Improved spinal function
How Chiropractic Care Supports Concussion Recovery

Research suggests that spinal health and cognitive function are connected, and chiropractors play an essential role in rebuilding this connection. In addition to spinal and neck adjustments, chiropractors can address PCS symptoms by managing muscle tension in other areas of the body, including the neck and back, that may contribute to these symptoms. A chiropractor can also determine if your PCS symptoms are a result of undue stress on your neck vertebrae by vision or vestibular problems.
Chiropractic care can benefit those with a concussion or similar injury by combining various therapies to stabilize the cervical spine. Research shows that chiropractic adjustments can positively influence concussion recovery by reducing interference to nerve impulses and optimizing the nervous system.
For instance, gentle adjustments to the neck and spine area can relieve pressure on the nervous system and reduce brain function problems associated with concussions. These subluxations also improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the brain, which can help regulate important body functions and alleviate PCS symptoms.
Chiropractic Techniques for Concussion Management
Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to manage physical and cognitive PCS symptoms. Radiological imaging, such as X-rays, can help locate and diagnose certain issues. Other treatment modalities for concussion management may include:
- Assessing posture and spinal alignment
- Spinal decompression
- Manual manipulation
- Physical therapy
- Range of motion tests
- Lab work
- Heat and cold therapies
- Electrical nerve stimulation
- Nutritional improvements
- Soft tissue massage
- Therapeutic ultrasound
Using a combination of these treatment methods can alleviate chronic neck pain, muscle tension and headaches caused by concussions. Testing a patient’s range of motion during assessment can also help chiropractors assess mobility improvements over the course of care.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes and Active Individuals
Seeing a chiropractor after a concussion is essential because misaligned vertebrae can directly affect your brain function. As with any injury, early intervention is key for concussions and TBIs. The sooner a chiropractor can examine and diagnose your PCS symptoms, the sooner they can develop a treatment plan to promote recovery.
Active individuals and young athletes can particularly benefit from concussion management from chiropractors for head and neck injuries. Prompt treatment can ensure proper healing and peak performance when returning to regular activities.
Having a chiropractor treat your PCS symptoms also means you’ll build a strong foundation for long-term brain health.
Frequently Asked Questions About Chiropractic and Concussions
Here are some commonly asked questions and misconceptions about chiropractic care for concussions.
1. Can I See a Chiropractor for a Concussion?
Yes. A chiropractic adjustment may support concussion recovery by keeping the neck and spine properly aligned. As a result, patients may experience decreased pressure, discomfort and inflammation.
2. How Does Chiropractic Care Help the Brain?
A concussion is one of many types of TBIs that can damage the brain’s ability to function, process and receive information. By addressing misalignments and tension in the upper spine and neck area, chiropractors can improve the flow of nerve signals, regulate blood pressure and lower stress hormones.
3. What Are Some Myths About Chiropractic Care?
Many rumors and misconceptions surround the capabilities and limitations of chiropractic care. For example, only a trained and educated chiropractor can perform an adjustment. Attempting to adjust your own neck or back can cause severe damage, especially if you already have an injury.
Chiropractors are experts in the nervous system and body functions, so they can address a wide range of symptoms and conditions that may result from a concussion. Despite common myths, chiropractic adjustments are generally not painful. While the period following an adjustment may include some soreness or discomfort, it is usually temporary. You can expect a great sense of relief from chiropractic adjustments.
Why Choose Thrive Chiropractic Group as Your Partner in Concussion Care?

We hope you’ve learned some valuable information about chiropractic care. If you want to know more about how to help a concussion, we recommend reaching out to professionals. At Thrive Chiropractic Group, we’re committed to supporting our patients’ long-term health.
While short-term pain relief is important, our chiropractic services emphasize the correction of long-term spine and neck injuries to ensure comfort and mobility for years to come. From your consultation to your first adjustment, our professionals will work with you to create a unique care plan based on your needs. Schedule a consultation with us to explore our chiropractic solutions for concussion recovery.